
Gone are the days of jaw-dropping cloud bills

Compute - AMD1

Located on LINX LON1, AMD1 instances are powered by Ryzen 9 5950X cores and paired with fast DDR4 ECC RAM. All instances have 1 Gbps of burst bandwidth (unmetered), and DDoS protection.

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Name Cores Memory Bandwidth
Shared Core (amd1s)
amd1s.tiny 1 1 GB 100 Mbps £0.0041 £3.00
amd1s.small 1 2 GB 200 Mbps £0.0082 £6.00
amd1s.medium 2 4 GB 400 Mbps £0.0164 £12.00
amd1s.large 4 8 GB 600 Mbps £0.0329 £24.00
Dedicated Core (amd1d)
amd1d.small 1 4 GB 400 Mbps £0.0192 £14.00
amd1d.medium 2 8 GB 600 Mbps £0.0384 £28.00
amd1d.large 4 16 GB 800 Mbps £0.0767 £56.00

* Assuming an average of 730 hours in a month

Prices are VAT exclusive where applicable

GPU Compute

Backed by our AMD1 lineup, our GPU instances offer access to high-efficiency cost-effective GPUs built for AI inference and machine learning workloads. We offer access to the NVIDIA Tesla T4.

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Name Cores Memory GPU Bandwidth
nvidia1.large 8 32 GB Tesla T4 800 Mbps £0.1301 £95.00
nvidia2.large 8 32 GB A2000 12G 800 Mbps £0.1301 £95.00

* Assuming an average of 730 hours in a month

Prices are VAT exclusive where applicable


Baremetal servers provide direct access to the underlying hardware to maximise performance. The amd1.metal dedicated server is powered by a Ryzen 9 5950X, 128 GB of DDR4-3200 ECC RAM, 2x2 TB of gen 4 NVMe, and 1-10G ultra-low latency connectivity.

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Name Price (Monthly)
amd1.metal £140.00

Prices are VAT exclusive where applicable

Block storage

Our NVMe block storage offers up to 100,000 IOPS, up to 1 GB/s read/write, and is fully redundant.

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Name Price per GB Hourly Price per GB Monthly*
NVMe Block Storage £0.000068 £0.05
HDD Block Storage £0.000014 £0.01

* Assuming an average of 730 hours in a month

Prices are VAT exclusive where applicable

LIR services

Lagrange can sponsor applications for internet resources in the RIPE regions, such as ASNs and IPv6 blocks.

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Name Price
Autonomous System Number £15.00 (One-off)
Transfer ASN to Lagrange £3.00 (One-off)
RIPE Annual ASN Fee £54.99 (Annual)
PA /48 IPv6 Block £7.00 (Annual)
PA /44 IPv6 Block £14.00 (Annual)
PA /40 IPv6 Block £50.00 (Annual)
PI /48 IPv6 Block £80.00 (Annual)
PI /44 IPv6 Block £90.00 (Annual)

Prices are VAT exclusive where applicable

IXP ports

Lagrange can offer you a port on the LONAP, LINX LON1, and RapidIX LON1 internet exchanges.

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Name Price (Monthly)
LONAP - 250M £9.00
LONAP - 500M £18.00
LONAP - 1G £35.00
LINX LON1 - 1G £135.00
RapidIX LON1 - 100M Available Soon
RapidIX LON1 - 1G Available Soon

Prices are VAT exclusive where applicable

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© 2024 Lagrange Cloud

Lagrange Cloud Technologies Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 13466318